Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Checklist for Elderly Drivers Brought to You by Comfort Keepers Elderly Care in Troy, MO

My father is having trouble seeing at night, this isn't an unusual condition for man in his late seventies and he deals with it simply by planning any trips he has to take during the day.

I went home for a visit a couple years ago and we spent a week down at the Jersey shore. It was a great visit but one day we ended up staying out later than we planned, it was going to be dark before we got back to our cottage. My father asbsolutely refused to allow me or my step-mom to drive. Although we argued, and he was quite aware that he has the problem, we lost and he drove back. It was a rather harrowing trip with me riding shot gun and telling him where he had to turn. We ended up missing several turns and driving around in a big circle to get to where we were going.

It causes me to wonder though, if we had that much trouble trying to get him to turn over the keys for one trip, what is it going to be like if he ever has to give up driving altogether?
I found this checklist for elderly drivers and hope it can guide me (and you) when the time comes to make that decision.

When to Put the Brakes On Elderly Drivers

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