Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Coping With Dementia from Comfort Keepers Elder Care in Troy, MO

One of the things that make dealing with a parents Alzheimer's or related dementia is that your reality and their's aren't necessarily the same thing. If your mother thinks it's 1968 and she can't understand why her daughter isn't home from school yet, all the arguing that it's now 2009, you are her daughter and you haven't been in school in over 30 years usually isn't going to change what she believes is true. I found this blog post about Coping With Dementia that gives some good tips on how to deal with different situations.

1 comment:

  1. Some people may not be aware of the early signs related to dementia that signal the search for senior care services. This guide will help you recognize those early signs so that arrangements for dementia care services can be made for the comfort of all.

    Dementia specialist
